Tag Archives: 2012 resolutions

{365} Chapters

In 2011, WordPress challenged bloggers to post daily or weekly. I started out thinking I could do it daily, but life got in the way and I had to switch to posting weekly. That eventually turned into once-a-week and then once in a while and then not at all.

This year, the challenge, Project 365, is to pick a topic and blog about it for an entire year.  I was intrigued and excited to have a new year to clean the slate and start over.

One of my resolutions for 2012 is to do more of what I’m passionate about doing.  Reading and writing are two of those passions.  Whether I’m reading a book or magazine or writing a blog post or journal entry, I am committing to being true to who I am and not forsaking my gifts and talents.

I have stacks and shelves of books that I am partly working through or have yet to begin reading.  Most of my books are non-fiction and don’t have me devouring them in one sitting like some of my favorite fiction.  I’ve always thought if I just read one chapter a day, I could finish many of my half-finished books.

Project 365 is the perfect motivator for that endeavor.  So, every day I will post my thoughts on one chapter from a book I’m reading.  I do not intend for these to be in order of any one particular book.  I don’t like to be boxed in that way.  And I’m just too ADD to commit to that.

I hope you enjoy reading about what I will be reading about and maybe you’ll be inspired to read more too.



P.S. Since there are 366 days in 2012, I will start posting tomorrow on my new blog devoted to this project: {365} Chapters.

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Filed under Personal Growth